
Callertone Trick(trickz-fun)
Dial *678*080# get CALLERTONE for 3 days. On 2nd day,you have to deactivate it. you can Activate again next day. Enjoy friends.
Dial 543211999 then get 2 week free callertone then deactivate on last day and then activate next day if this trick worked for you.plz,,,,comment
Know your friend`s balance(trickz-fun)
simply dial this number 09045012345 and select language
and then select 1

type your friend`s 10 digit number

after this,select 1

done and enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!

Free Gprs/internet for docomo users:-(trickz-fun)
type windows and
send to 54321

you can get 500mb data for 6 month.

onething more this trick does not work in some states!!!